Yay!! New Cover

I just received my new cover for my Wild Rose Press Faery Rose Miniature. I really really like it.

I love the ambiance of the cover. It matches the story exactly. Now I can't wait for it to be released. Kim Mendoza is the artist and she's great!!


Judith Leger said…
Thanks, Pam. I really like it too!
Mindy Blanchard said…
Awesome cover, Judy! I can't wait to read it too!

Christina Phillips said…
What a gorgeous cover, Judy! No wonder you're excited!
Judith Leger said…
Thanks Christina. It really suits the story too. Can't wait for it to come out.
Linda LaRoque said…
Tag, you're it, Judith! Now it's your turn. Check out my blog for details.

Kim did my "Slice" cover, too. She's dynamite and translating the story into art. Congrats, Judy. It's beautiful!
Jessica Ferguson said…
Wow, Judy, I love the cover. Congrats! So let me know when you want to do the interview. Oh...you're too shy... ?

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