Friday, December 10, 2010

How are stories born by Rhonda Lee Carver.

Today I'm guesting a wonderful lady and a talented author, Rhonda Lee Carver. Rhonda, you have center stage. Welcome to my world and thank you for sharing a piece of yours with us.


Many writers have been asked the question, “Are your stories purely fantasy or are they based on truth?” I’ve been asked this question a few times. For me, my mind is always open and observant to a new story. Places, people, movies, phrases…can all trigger an idea that bleeds into another book.

One of my favorite flicker-of-an-idea-into-book stories is the paranormal I contracted with Lyrical Press. While I was driving on a lonely, narrow road one evening almost a year ago I glanced up and saw the most tattered, desperate looking house sitting in the middle of an overgrown field. Sure, from a glance, it was like any abandoned house one may see along the hills and winding roads of Ohio country; however, I was struck with a sudden urge to pull over. Staring at the house with the frayed rope hanging from an old beastly tree and broken porch and windows, I imagined characters living there and soon these figments of imagination had personalities…and from there a story was born.

For Second Chance Cowboy, released this November with Lyrical, I was fascinated with couples finding love again. I knew I wanted my hero to be named Chance. The name conjured up possibilities and ideas, but one stuck in my mind and developed into second chances for love. I then bounced around in my head motives why a man and woman who are divorced would want to give their marriage another try. One reason, they still love one another. Two, if something tore them apart besides falling out of love. Three, they have an opportunity to relive the passion they once shared together. So, my heroine Carly took a fall down the staircase, banged her head, and waking up with amnesia, she believed Chance was still her cowboy. Not wanting to hurt her, and seeing this as his second chance for love, he keeps the truth a secret.

Whether a story is based on fantasy or reality, a spark of an idea can definitely entangle itself inside a writer’s mind until we have no choice but to create and craft a life for these characters. It is amazing that one fabrication of thought can grow into 50, 000 or so words based on love, passion, conflict, denial, trust…


Rhonda is a full-time romance author and a freelance editor. She enjoys writing contemporary, paranormal, suspense, and erotica. Her specialty is bad-ass heroes (charcoal hair, copper eyes, and heart of gold) and smart and sassy heroines. And her favorite subject is…men in military uniform. They make the perfect hero.

Reading her first romance novel at age thirteen, Rhonda was hooked. Her talent of bringing interesting characters to print and shaping happy endings are not only a passion of hers, but a dream career. She thinks the love between hero and heroine should be so steamy that it melts the ink off the pages.

If she’s not at her computer crafting a story, Rhonda enjoys reading romance, hanging out with her loved ones, or watching a movie that either pushes her to tears or has her rolling with laughter…and preferably both.

She lives in Ohio where she is a mother by day and a sensual writer by night. She has too many pets to name but has a place in her heart for each of them.

She believes everyone deserves romance in their life—one page at a time.


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You can find Rhonda's novel Second Chance Cowboy at Lyrical Press.

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 The Witch Within Let me know what you think!