My Cover for Enchanted

I received my new cover from Lyrical Press for my upcoming release, Enchanted.  I love it!  Let me know what you think.  I'll post the blurb soon!


emaginette said…
Very beautiful. Should sell well.

I hate to do this, but it is better to invite someone twice than to forget entirely. Have you followed me over yet? My new url is:

The door is open, just walk on in. :-)
Sarah Westill said…
Judy, it's beautiful!!! Congratulations!!!
Judith Leger said…
Thanks for reminding me. I tried before but I couldn't figure out what to do. Did today! Followed! Like your site.
Judith Leger said…
Hey Elaina! Thanks love! Good to see you.
Savannah Chase said…
That is a fantastic cover..Huge congrats...

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