Tuesday, November 25, 2008


by a story so intense, so poignant, it won't leave you. I have one that has eaten at me for the longest. I tear up just thinking about putting the first sentence on the paper. Why? Because I know how it will end and for that reason I want to cry my eyes out. The emotions which swirl inside just watching the tender yet powerful and passionate scenes coursing through my mind makes me want to sit and start on it, then I stop and wonder if I have the emotional strength to carry it off.

I have made a resolution to start on this story over the Thanksgiving holiday. It's not a full length novel or so it seems at the moment. I even have a name for it: Before the Last Leaf Falls.

Promises are meant to be kept, no matter how many years pass. Love never stops even when death steals the body, the spirit always remembers.

So I fully intend to use the next five days to begin this tale with the hopes I won't be an emotional wreak by the time it's done.

Hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving.

And if any of you have had a story which affects you to such a degree, let me know. I'd love to hear how you handled the writing and still remained stable.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wonderful News!

This morning I opened my inbox and look what I found waiting for me.

"Congratulations. Your story, “A Heart of Compassion,” was chosen to be included in one of our “101 Best” books, representing our favorites from our library of stories. “A Heart of Compassion” is included in Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tales of Golf and Sport."

This story was originally in Chicken Soup for the Mother and Son Soul, 2006 edition. Now it's going to be in another one.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Meanwhile, back on the old homestead...

I did it again. Submitted, that is. I wanted so badly to enter the 'Got Wolf' contest with The Wild Rose Press, but nature (remember Gustav and Ike?) insisted on putting crimps into the game plan. Hey, just a minor setback. Well, I did it. I sent my 18k werewolf story, HEAVEN SCENT, to the Black Rose on Monday. Yay!

Then I get hit with a sinus infection. Nothing like a foggy head to take the edge off the celebration of a new contract. So, hey, since I was sick anyway, why not send HEAVEN SCENT in?

Next, I asked a few authors to review my newly contracted story, HEART'S REUNION. I'm sure all of you become a bit nervous letting other published authors read your work. I do. Can't help it. The mother rises up and I wonder if I checked to make sure teeth and hair were brushed on my newly birthed baby.

I always drive myself crazy wondering what these wonderful ladies will think of my newborn.

Well, I received two reviews and I have to say, I'm pleased!

P.L. Parker commented:

"Heart's Reunion is an eerie, but thought provocative journey into the mysterious realm of mountain folk lore. The heat between Bre and Micah sizzles from the first moment they meet and continues throughout. This is a "must read," and I look forward to reading more of Ms. Leger's works."

and Aithne Jarretta, Paranormal author, said this about the story:

"HEART’S REUNION is a spellbinding tale of spirits, an enduring connection of family and true love. Ms. Leger fulfills a promise to her Readers to give them a fully passionate love story with ghostly quirks, unabashed adventure, and the happy ending we all seek."

Awesome remarks! Thanks ladies!

Love the Blog Award!

I have received this award from three wonderful and talented ladies. Oh, yes, flattery will definitely gain brownie points with me. LOL!

So, thanks, Regina, Gina, Hywela (that's my Lyn) and my dear friend, Linda LaRogue for tagging me!

Now I have to nominate seven more blogs.


Hee, hee, okay, here it goes!

Ali Katz

Paisley Scott

Pamela Thibodeaux

Winona Cross

Mindy Blanchard

Jessica Ferguson

and last but definitely not the least,

P. L. Parker

Each of these ladies have a tremendous amount of talent and I am so proud to call them my friends!!

Now it's y'all's turn to pick your favorite blogs!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Heart's Reunion Contracted!

What a wonderful way to start the week. I received word yesterday that my editor with The Wild Rose Press wants my 30k short story, Heart's Reunion.

Here I was feeling sick because I had submitted a book to Samhain. Sending something off always makes me ill, but this time it's been buffeted by this news. Yes! I feel validated again.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Current WIP!

It's November and everyone should know what that means! Yes, it's National Writing Month. My goal this month is finish Dragon's Desire, one of the books in my Avaris series. Writing was slow yesterday but this morning, I woke up refreshed and rearing to go. I wrote 141 words in 10 minutes. Good words too! So now I'm pumped. Can't wait to go home and write some more. I want to type The End on this story so I can move on to the next one in December. Can I do this? Oh, yeah! Done it before and I will do it again.

I'll do the editing to the story in January. That way I'll have a month in between to let it ferment then I can tear into it.

This last year has been great as far as having works published. Recieved my first contract on a full length novel, finished up with a couple of short stories, just waiting to hear about them and I submitted another full length to a publisher. I'm going to be positive about that one. I just know they will want more it and request a full.

Okay, I'm off to clear off my desk and hopefully get a little more words in before I leave to go home!

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...