Monday, March 22, 2010

Too much and not enough

Okay, I have way too much going on in my head today! Or should I say for the past month. Is it the way the stars are lining up? Could that be what's up with my over active imagination? So far I have been delivered in my deepest dreams two more books I need to write. Cool, right? Not when you have 29 more to finish, prepare for submitting and hopefully having them accepted and published. That's not counting any edits, promoting or any of the other grand little things an author has to do with all of their books.

Also, I started to write in a different genre. Oh, you're brave, you say. Naw, just stretching to see what all I can accomplish as an author. Under this new pen name, I have one book I'm waiting to hear about from the publisher I submitted it to. Also have about 3 other books I want to finish under her name. Cool, I'm talking about myself in the third person. (rolling eyes).

I do have to say that I am moving forward with everything. Just hard to decide which one to work on right now. Goal for the end of this month: finish tightening my werewolf story, write the synopsis/blurb, and submit it to a publisher. Finish my edits on Dragon Wish and sent to editor (Yay, almost done!). Work on two wips. There, that should be enough for the rest of this month and the beginning of the next.

Now I feel better.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Want a Great Read? Damon's Price is the Book!

I just finished reading Ali Katz's new release, Damon's Price. The story left me breathless. Ali's writing is so smooth and fresh. She puts the reader in the bodies of Claudia and Damon in such a way I ended up experiencing the steamy desires each invokes in the other. Oh, Lord, it's hot, sensual and one of the best reads I've had in a while. Want a great book? Be sure and check Ali's Damon's Price out. You won't regret it!

For Claudia, love comes late and, perhaps, at too great a price.

Widowhood agrees with Claudia Sabina. Her husband and father have left her wealthy, but her most prized inheritance is their gift of independence. At 38, she is as free as any woman of her class could hope to be in male dominated Roman society.

The slave, Damon, is part of her father's bequest. Intelligent, resourceful and educated beyond the norm for even a Roman citizen, Damon's many talents make him one of her most valuable assets. The fact the young Greek is also a pleasure to look at only adds to his value.

For months, Damon manages to hide the fact he's fallen in love with his new mistress. He satisfies himself with her nearness, until the night he walks in on her bath. The rigid control he's held onto for months abandons him. All thought of consequence flees. He offers a heretofore hidden talent for her disposal, his mouth.

In a moment of weakness, Claudia succumbs, and they soon find themselves immersed in an illegal and dangerous love affair that threatens both their futures.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...