Friday, February 15, 2013

Wonderful Valentine's Day

Yes, I had a great day!

Look what my honey of 34 years sent me.

He is soooo sweet.

Hope everyone else had a great Valentine's day too.

Congrats to all the winners in the CAPAs!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

One More Day and Nervous Ain't the Word for it!

Yeah. Tomorrow the winners of the CAPA awards over at The Romance Studio will be announced. I'm nervous and scared. As a writer, I always wonder if my books are really any good. This nomination has boosted my confidence but...I'm still tense.

Yes, I want to win but I'm prepared not to win too. So I'm waiting and I've put up two post on the TRS CAPA party blog.

You can check them out here!!! First one is about my book, Enchanted. It's the one that was nominated in the CAPAs!

The second post is about my fantasy romance novel, Dragon Wish. Right now until after Valentine's day it is on sale at 20% off the price.  If you go to Wild Child Publishing then be sure and type in the coupon code LOVE to received the discount.  The code is in all CAPS.

Would love to have everyone drop by and say hi!  Send me some good juju to make it through today and tomorrow!!!

Hugs and Happy reading!!

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...