Monday, August 10, 2009

Surgery...Not looking forward to it!

Yes, I'm having my gall bladder out. Worried? A little, but mostly frustrated because I HATE having any kind of procedure.

Back in 1996, I had my hysterectomy. Nice little bikini cut, surgery went fine then the two young nurses proceeded to let me hemorrhage all day long. My doctor almost had a stroke when he arrived to check on me that night and realized what had happened. They were talking blood transfusions and all that good junk. Not fun. I'd never, ever been so weak in my entire life. So, now, I'm a little leary of any kind of surgery.

I know this type of stuff doesn't happen all the time but it really impacted me. Put up a mental block that I really have a hard time overcoming. Yes, I will have the surgery, but I'm not looking forward to it. Not at all!

This has also halted all writing for me. Can't concentrate to write or (LOL!) sleep. Try not to think about it but human nature sort of over-rides my good intentions and I end up right back worrying.

Everyone, please keep me in your thoughts Wednesday morning! I'm going to need it with my nerves!


Rebecca J Vickery said...

Hi Judith,
Will definitely have you in my thoughts for your surgery. With what you went through no wonder you are wary of another procedure.
Try to think good thoughts and look forward to how much better you will feel once its over.

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Wow - prayers here for a smooth surgery!

Kaye Manro said...

Keeping you in my thoughts, Judith. Here's to all going well this time.

Judith Leger said...

Thanks ladies. I really appreciate it!

Jennette Green said...

Judith, I will definitely be praying for you and your surgery. A friend of mine had gall bladder surgery a few months ago, and it went fine--I hope this is encouraging! Also, do they do it arthroscopically now? I hope so, because that would cut down on the healing time.

God bless you!


Unknown said...

Hi Judith!

Been where you are 13 times! Started with a hysterectomy, internal bleeding, two emergency surgeries and that was just the first week! Since then, there were ten more surgeries to take care of scar tissue blah blah blah. I will be praying with all my might for you and I KNOW you are going to do fine! Try to find the cutest doctor and then come up with one AWESOME story to write! You must come back and let us know how it went!

Hugs and good thoughts with angel wings being sent your way!


Tilly the rescue dog said...

Wishing you the best of luck with your op Judith, and a speedy recovery too.


Katie said...


I'm sending all my best thoughts your direction, sweetie! Here's a very gentle hug and hope everything goes well.

Lubs ya!

Anonymous said...

Judith, thoughts and prayers are deffinately with. You will be just fine. {hugs}

Leigh M. Lane said...

Sending positive thoughts your way.

Chiron said...

Hi Judith,

I had a similar experience with (of all things) a polyp removal. Simple as anything yet I bled for twelve hours (repeated phone calls to the clinic where they assured me it was normal. Right.), until my husband took over, called and spoke to the doctor on call who was APPALLED and urged him to rush me to the ER. I was so weak and so out of it, that I remember telling him to take care of the cats because--truth be told--I thought I was going to die.

Lord, I so relate and I'm right there with you, sending hugs and strength.

As silly as it may sound, I recommend closing your eyes and visualizing a comforting cloak of white light surrounding you. Repeatedly tell yourself I feel so strong and healthy and I'm SO GLAD I whisked through the surgery so easily.

Self-help books through the decades (and even Buddha) point out that "what the mind believes, it seeks to manifest", so a positive focus can really be reassuring.

I'll be doing the same, visualizing you laughing and telling friends how happy and suprised you were at how easy everything went and how great you feel.

And again, sending Big Hugs your way.


Denise said...

Fingers crossed for a quick and healthy recovery!

Ruth Violet Moran said...

hi judith, you will definitely be in my thoughts. i will say a little prayer for you if you want me 2. i had a hernia surgery about 2 years ago. i went ok. although they told me i would only be off of work for about a week and it was more like 2and half. i guess the tore was a little more than they thought. and coming up i have to get a biopsy in my left breast. so i hope it doesnt turn into cancer. but i will have to do that in about 2 weeks. but u will be in my thoughts and good luck and take care. love your friend,Ruth

KH said...

You will of course be in my thoughts and prayers. All the best.

Jane Richardson said...

Judith, join the club! I had exactly the same op a few weeks ago! Result? I feel great - and so will you. :) I'll be thinking of you.

Jane x

Judith Leger said...

OMG! I love all of you! This has made me entire day, knowing that so many friends care. Thank you so much!

Amber Green said...

She says to let you know she came out of surgery well. She's stiff and sore, but sounding chipper.

Charlotte Phillips said...

Hi Judith,

See if you can find someone (or a team of someones) to stay with you for 24 hours after surgury. His/Her/Their job is to be your champion. If you need anything, it's their job to make it happen. You should arm them with your doctor's and surgeon's phone numbers.

I've done this for several people and can tell you that when witnesses are in the room, patients do not get ignored.

Having said that, the odds are in your favor. Keep positive thoughts. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you.


Unknown said...

I hope it goes well for you. Does your doctor know what happened before? He may be able to have you monitored better this time.

Good luck.

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...