Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday is a bright and shining day!!

Yes, I have had wonderful sunshine for the past few days. It's cold but I can accept that if it's a beautiful, sunny cold. You know the kind. Clear blue skies, the light so bright you have to squint, the warmth on your face, oh yes, love it! These kind of days make me want to do things. Clean house, organize the pantry, closets, you know, that sort of stuff.

Well, I've done all those things so I thought I'd read. So I've been reading for days now. It's lovely, really it is. I get totally absorbed in the stories. My kids come and wave a hand right in front of my eyes to get my attention. I freeze and try to back up a bit. Really don't like when people invade my bubble especially when I'm at a GOOD part. LOL! But then again, my kids know me well enough to realize that I will continue to be in the Regency era until the end of the book if they don't do something radical. My youngest uses slight of hand to remove the book from my clutches which elicits a frown from me. How dare he interrupt such glorious dialog between the hero and heroine?

Sigh...but so is life. Have to put off the enjoyment for the sake of the real world.

So, how is your Monday so far?! Be sure and let me know!


Amber Green said...

When can you get here?

I have a fly-swat to ward off your son.

Judith Leger said...

Hee hee! Today! Late this afternoon! You KNOW what I'm talking about. You witnessed it last night on the phone trying to talk. Sheesh, some kids!

Angie said...

Pretty routine so far. Drop the kids off at school, go to the gym, shop and drop off recyclables at Walmart, come home and check email and FB . . .

Judith Leger said...

Sometimes we need the routine. Keeps our lives in perspective.

Winona Cross said...

Routine is indeed a good thing. I'll be glad when routine can become a normal,boring part of my life again. That sounded wrong. Bad. I don't wish Ron would pass away. Guess what I mean is that a tragedy and grief will have to happen before my life can become routine again.

Keep thinking magical thoughts, Judy. Loved "Loves True Enghantment."

Judith Leger said...

Oh, thanks, Nona!

Yes, baby, things will become normal and routine. It'll happen.

I really missed you at the meeting yesterday.

Linda LaRoque said...

I must say a beautiful sunny day doesn't put me in the mood to clean house, closets, etc. Company coming is the only thing that works that magic.

I met friends for lunch today. Fun!

Judith Leger said...

I know, Linda, I'm weird in that case. A friend of mine asked when I found time to write. In between cleaning, kids, husband and work. That's why I have a schedule, otherwise I'd be divorced. Love the ole cajun too much to let that happen AND he loves a clean house!

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...