Friday, November 19, 2010

Blog Hop (lost count 4 I think) Friday Follow (3?)

Okay, so I'm not all the way awake this morning. Scrambled out of bed at 6:40 when I should have been up at 6:00. And lookee here, I'm late setting up this for my favs, Blog Hop and Friday Follow.

Hey but I'm here and that's all that matters!!!

How long have you been book blogging??
Answer to question: since 2006. (didn't say much between then and now but my blog has been up since then. :D!)

Book Blogger Hop

"Since Thanksgiving is coming up next week, let's use this week's Hop to share what we are most thankful for and what our holiday traditions are!"

Thanksgiving is my holiday. My oldest son's birthday is right at this time so it was understood that this would be my holiday to cook and have everyone over. We usually have the traditional Thanksgiving meal. I cook the dressing that my Mom taught me how to make. I love this time of year. I'm off from work almost the whole week. Love it!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

It' Friday! Fun time!

I couldn't do the Blog Hop or the Follow Friday last week. Much too busy, but I will today!

First off is 18+ Over Blog Tag along


Next is:

Join the featured blog site! Looks like a great site too. Hilarious.

And last is my very favorite!!

Book Blogger Hop

"If you find a book that looks interesting but is part of a series, do you always start with the first title?"

I happened to pick up a book once that was the 3rd one in a series. When I started reading it, I was confused and completely lost. I bought the other two books and then the 3rd made sense. As a matter of fact this series is one of my keepers. So YES, I definitely start at the first book now. So much easier to follow especially if the series is an intricate tale with a lot of characters and locations.

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...