Friday, April 8, 2011

Follow Friday / Blog Hop #6 (Shakes head, yes, I'm pitiful!)

Hey hey! It's Friday and it's time for some fun!

First for everyone that stops by here, I thank you.  These FF and BH take alot of work and time but truly, they are so worth it. It gives each of us a chance to meet new friends and see old friends.

Q. Do you judge a book by it's cover?

For me, it is the cover and the title that tempt me to read the blurb.  If the blurb reads great, I'll grab the book.  I remember the first time I saw Harry Potter's book covers, I was like, O_o...not sure if I liked them.  Love the inside but the covers weren't really to my tastes.

Happy Follow Friday!!!

You can check out my website HERE to see what kind of books I write.
I have two other pen names,
L.J.Leger - Website
Jadette Paige - Website, Blog


Jen at Red Hot Books said...

Thanks for the follow! I'm here to return the favor! Jen at

Judith Leger said...

Hi Jen! Glad you could stop by!

Lea Christine said...

Thanks for stopping by LC's Adventures in Libraryland :)

You know, I was thinking the exact same thing about Harry Potter when I saw this week's FF question-- I really wasn't a fan of the covers, I thought they looked kind of tacky or childish (which makes sense, since the first ones were written for 11-12 year olds) but after I read the books, now I love the covers!

Thanks for following, and hope you have a great weekend :)

Judith Leger said...

That's exactly what I thought too, Lea! Thanks for stopping by, love!!

S (Book Purring) said...

Hi! Hopping by, thanks for stopping by my blog. Your layout is awesome!

Judith Leger said...

Thanks, Samita!

Evie said...

Hi Judith, thanks for visiting my blog and following, I'm happy to follow back:) always great to connect with fellow book lovers!
I'll check out your books while I'm here, they look interesting!
Have a great weekend!

Judith Leger said...

Hi Evie! Thanks so much for stopping by! My short YA will be out this weekend on Kindle. Wraith's Forest. It's only gonna be .99!

Lesley said...

Hi Judith just stopping by to say hi and thanks for stopping by my blog via this weeks Follow me Friday feature. I agree about Harry Potter- fab books, "meh" covers!


Unknown said...

Returning the visit and follow! I love that you're a writer--it's great to see authors on the hops. :-)

Billy Burgess said...

thanks for stopping by my blog

Judith Leger said...

@Lesley, Yep!


@ Billy, appreciate you dropping by!

WildIrishRose33 said...

I understand what ya mean about the covers. I loved the HP ones becaues they were so colorful and bright. The later ones more than the first few, though.

Thanks for stopping by! I'll be sure to check out your sites! Happy friday.

Tristan said...

Hey Judith thanks for the follow, following back. You write what i like to read ill have to check out your books on amazon!!

Bookish Brunette said...

Off to check out your website! Happy Friday!

Getting Your Read On said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I'm following you and now I'm going to take a peek around. Happy Friday!


Unknown said...

Hi Judith! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and giving me a follow. Although I've been blogging for so long, it's just now that I've tried book blogging. I just started following you and I'm looking forward to interacting with more book bloggers. Cheers!

Unknown said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am following yours now, it looks interesting.

So many books, so little time said...

New follower, if you get a chance to return the favour that would be lovely.

I don't usually let the cover put me off but sometimes the title can but I usually read it anyway as sometimes authors dont get a decision with the cover


Marla said...

Thanks for stopping by and for the follow. :) I'm now returning the favor. Have a great weekend!

Aleetha said...

Thanks for stopping by.

I love all covers of Harry Potter. But it's not the reason why I read the book. :)

AP said...

Hey thanks for the follow love! I'm returning the favor!

-Amanda p

Bex said...

I completely agree with your description. :) (As you might already know!) I was the same way with the first HP. Although of course, I had the Swedish one. Wasn't much better though, except for some silvery on it. ;) I actually read the first book after I'd watched the movie. Have loved every single one since!

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you back. :) You have a nice blog!

JessiM said...

Thanks for stopping by my FF post and following! I'm here to return the favor!

Happy Friday!

Christy @ TheReaderBee said...

I totally agree!! I'm lured in by the pretty covers, and then I have to check out the blurbs. :)

Thanks for the follow! I'm now following you in return!

shelleyrae @ book'd out said...

Thanks for stopping by Book'd Out earlier.

Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

Readaholics said...

Hey Judith, just stopping by on the follow. I'm ur newest follower. Thx for following! I love when we have authors on the follow. It's a great way to connect with our fave authors or meet new authors.You have the right of it, it is time consuming but well worth the effort. Dragon Wish looks very interesting.
Have a terrific weekend reading !!!
See ya!
Readaholics Anonymous

The Scarf Princess said...

Thanks for becoming a follower of my site. I'm now following you back and look forward to learning more about your books.

The Scarf Princess

Aaron Pound said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I'm looking forward to reading your blog. I love the background for your blog. It is so very cool looking.

I often don't even look at a cover for a book, and have a bad memory for what the covers of the books I have read look like. Oh well. Its what's inside the covers that counts most isn't it?

Aaron (Dreaming About Other Worlds)

Ashley @ Bookaholics Anonymous said...

I never thought about the H.P covers but I think had my cousins not lent me their books to read I probably wouldn't have.

кєяo said...

Thanks for following my blog, Judith.
Your Wraith's Forest book cover looks really great.
I'm following back.
кєяo's Book Blog

Mia said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog & Nice to "virtually" meeting you :p

Unknown said...

HI Jen! Thanks for coming by the blog and for the follow! I agree about Harry Potter and then add Twilight to that list too. Neither the blurbs nor the covers were enough to entice me. it took me until last year to give in and buy both series just to see what the fuss was all about. Loved Harry Potter as did my kids, but Twilight was a good study on story building is nothing else, in my opinion.

I hope you have a great weekend!

Chelsey @ Starry Sky Books said...

Returning the follow! Thanks for stopping by! :D

A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...