Monday, March 2, 2009

Reel Treats.

Most people have a favorite film. One which affects them, one they enjoy viewing over and over again, even one whose dialog invokes a response from them.

Me? I love movies with eye treats. Uh huh, (insert snicker here ) I know what you’re thinking. See, the words stirs up some interesting thoughts. No porno here.

I’m thinking of films with sensory details. Right off the bat, I envision The Chronicles of Riddick (2004).

Oh, yes, Vin Diesel. Hot body, handsome features, ante-hero character; wow, what a man! Definitely an eye treat! But why this movie and not say ‘You’ve got mail’? Easy. The director used the details and different locations for almost every scene to bring the scope of the story to life. The movie starts with Riddick on a frozen planet. The attention to minute details are superbly portrayed with the icy landscape from the snow and ice inside the cave to the same coating Riddick’s long hair and beard. This scene lasted only a few minutes but the impression stayed with me.

I love that movie. Now I want to watch it again. I need my fix of reel treats.

This is what I desire whether reading or watching a film. I want to capture the moments in the scenes with my visual sense. Yes, I know how cold some places can be, and yes, even the maximum security prison on a fire planet reminds me of how fire can burn. This is what appeals to me.

For instance, take the city Riddick travels to seeking the ones who sent the bounty hunters after him. The place appeared calm and peaceful on the surface, a normal city on an ordinary planet, but the talk on the streets denied this fact. Then the entire atmosphere changed in seconds with the arrival of an evil force.

I found all the aspects of the film excellent for my senses. In turn, I can use this as a template for my own writing. Adding small details to give the story flavor helps place the reader within the story. When I write, I see the scene played out in my mind. The stronger the images, the better the descriptions, and I have accomplished what I hope to by producing read treats for the reader.

What film inspires this in your writing? Does the story play out in your mind also or does it come out when you’re writing? I really want to know.


Michelle said...

I love that movie!!! My favorite scene that shows the kind of hero I want to portray in my books is when Vin goes back to save Kira and the sun is rising. When they land, he's so hot, steam is coming off of him!!

Man, I think I need to go get my fix and watch it tonight.

Sandra Cormier said...

The Diesel has a lot of potential for juicy roles.

While writing I tend to divide myself between romantic suspense like Romancing the Stone, RomCom like Practical Magic, and character-driven films like The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

I wonder if I can weave all those elements into a single book?

Gina Ardito aka Katherine Brandon said...

For me, it's dialogue. Give me a film with lots of witty or emotional dialogue and I don't care if the entire movie takes place in front of a white sheet. Scenes that "do it" for me: The dialogue between Harry and Sally on New Year's Eve at the end of "When Harry Met Sally," the quick wit between Benedick and Beatrice in "Much Ado About Nothing," Quint talking about the shark attack on the men of the USS Indianapolis...
You get the idea.
Great topic, Judy!

Judith Leger said...

You see Chelle! Great minds enjoy the same movies!

Judith Leger said...

Go for it, Sandra! Sure sounds like a winner to me.

Judith Leger said...

Thanks Gina! I do like great dialog too, but sometimes it's not there in the movie. The ones you mentioned are great!

Mindy Blanchard said...

I love Vin Diesel. He inspired my code name at work, which is Mindy Vin - most people think I'm saying Vihn (lol).

And I'm a Riddock Fan through and Through. Who did I lend my copies to? Who do I have to beat up for not returning them?

I usually find an actor that closely resembles some aspect of my character and then find a movie they played in and study their expressions, dialogue, quirks, etc. Thats how I use movies in my writing.


A New Week: Week Two

 So far, so good with the writing of my new contemporary cowboy series. I am 3/4 of the way through the first book.  I'm in the process ...